Become a unique speaker bureau international licensee
Become a regional USBI licensee to enjoy more freedom, prosperity and purpose.
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Our global regions
Apply to become a licensee

Become a licensed regional business owner and prosper
Through years of experience in hosting events and managing speakers from all over the world from many different industries, we have developed a proprietary and highly profitable Blueprint for 5-Star Licensees.

Here is what it takes
What we are looking for
Our regional licensees have exceptional opportunities to own massively successful business, but with great power comes great responsibility...
Our licensees partner with industry leaders
Apply to become a licensee

Join Unique Speaker Bureau International and prosper with our Blueprint for 5-Star Licensees.
Fuel, Ignite and accelerate your Business
We work to fuel, ignite and accelerate your business, by providing you with continuous feedback, support and network connections. Unique Speaker Bureau International (USBI) looks to create a holistic long term solution for our clients by providing not only keynotes but also programmes, workshops, sessions and masterclasses - enabling your business to earn more
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USBI regional licensees enjoy:
Having a true sense of purpose
Working with the world's best thought leaders
Support and guidance from the global team
Owning a profitable business backed by a proven model
Unique speaker bureau international
Blueprint for 5-Star Licensees™


Become a USBI Regional Licensee
Apply to become a licensee
The start of something big
We have the formula to help you prosper.
Become a USBI regional licensee today
Our Licensees talk to corporate event planners, executives and events companies daily. We help develop themes, match our 5-Star Speakers to those themes and stay close to every experience we create. Licensees network, connect, partner and also interview and develop speakers that match our global philosophy. Most importantly, our Licensees effect positive change on this planet.
How to apply
Complete the application form
Complete apPlication
Interview with our global directors
Fuel, Ignite and Accelerate your business!
Unique Speaker Bureau International (USBI) creates holistic long term solutions for clients in the form of not only keynotes but also programmes, workshops, sessions and masterclasses - adding value and allowing our licensees to earn more.

Get in touch

Become a

business owner
With unique

Speaker bureau