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Agneta Olsson is a recognized voice in the field of owner-led companies, with a particular focus on the transition from owner-led to owner-controlled structures and external CEOs. She has a background as a leader in well-known organizations such as ICA, Santa Maria, Ridderheims, Coop, and served as CEO of Almi Väst.

Agneta is the founder of Chair Management, a company specializing in guiding businesses through the transformation from owner-led to owner-controlled. This expertise is also translated into teaching, and Agneta conducts courses at DI Akademi, including programs like "Scale Up Your Business from Owner-Led to Owner-Managed"and "Certified Company Owner."

Additionally, Agneta is the author of the book "External CEO – How to Succeed!" and the Owner’s guide which has become a bestseller. The success of these books, evidenced by its three editions, reflects the value and insight she offers to readers seeking guidance in this area.

Agneta is a sought-after speaker and holds several board positions. Her lectures focus on innovation, courage, and turning adversity into success.

She has a twinkle in her eye and delivers inspiration at an engaging pace, filled with many aha moments,insights, and energy.

Author of two bestselling books: Extern Vd – så lyckas du (External CEO – how to success) and Ägarguiden: Utveckla din ägarkompetens (Business-owner guide: develop your competence of being a business-owner).
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