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Brad Cunningham: SUCCESS LOOPS – Instrumental Inspiration.

It all started about 8 years ago while messing around with a looping pedal & a guitar, Brad had a huge epiphany and realized that everything in life is cyclical – ‘life loops’

Add his overwhelming empathic urge for loving humanity & a strong desire to facilitate collective success globally.

Include an obsession with finding deeper truths for optimizing Fulfilment, Freedom & Prosperity & uncovering Unconventional Strategies for breaking beyond success & living a fuller inspired life.

To date Brad Cunningham is the only Motivational Speaker to pioneer “Instrumental Inspiration”, a unique initiative that takes his audience on an empowering journey.

Brad has shared stages with international speakers like Robin Banks, Mike Handcock, Landi Jac and Cobus Visser.

Brad advocates deeper understanding on subjects like healthier Mindsets, balanced Optimism, greater Self-Awareness, elevated Corporate Culture, applied Success Strategy and also empowered Relationships.

Brad created his own online Academy ‘Success Loops Mastery’ to further this cause. Brad is a self-published author &busy with his next book.

Brad has a philanthropist heart and a huge love for humanity. His intention is to ease suffering, to lower the global statistics of depression & divorce and awaken the prosperity potential in the hearts, minds and bodies of everyone he meets.

He just wants to uplift, inspire, empower and impact for collective success & a greater cause of kindness.

- Success Being 80% Mindset & 20% Strategy is FALSE.

- 4 Steps To Harness Your Personal Power.

- CPAI - 5 Steps to Mastering Marriages – Making Love Last.

- Life Cycles - Why You Are Stuck, How To Break Out.

- Super Consciously Conspired – Deeper Truths about You, Existence & Potential.

- Make Your Workspace A Happy Place – Cultivate Permanent Positive Corporate Culture.

-Stress, Anxiety, Depression Regulation.

-3 Keys To Sustained Success.

-4 Steps to Harness Your Personal power.

-Success Being 80% Mindset & 20% Strategy is FALSE.

- CPAI - 5 Steps to Mastering Marriages – Making Love Last.

- Life Cycles - Why You Are Stuck, How To Break Out.

- Super Consciously Conspired – Deeper Truths about You,Existence & Potential.

- Make Your Workspace A Happy Place – Cultivate Permanent Positive Corporate Culture.

Brad and Success Loops earned first runner up (2nd place) in the international competition 'Entrepreneur X Factor 2021' missing first place by just two points. The company 'Coursemarks' graded our online course '3 Keys To Sustained Success' in the top 4% out of 94,680 courses and rated it 9.4 out of 10. MEA Business Awards selected Success Loops as “Best Keynote Speaking & Professional Coaching Organisation - South Africa. Inspired Innovative Philanthropist 2022” and “Most Innovative Professional Training Provider 2024 - South Africa.” Corporate Live Wire Innovation & Excellence Awards 2023 awarded Brad and Success Loops “Professional Training Provider of the Year.” Certification for courses – Elite Entrepreneur Business Coaching. - Basic & Advanced Theta Healing.
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