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Camilla Long is an expert in Leadership Communication and Organisational Culture. Camilla's expertise has been recognised with multiple speaker awards, cementing her status as a thought leader in her field.She has been a featured speaker at leading conferences and corporate events,shaping the future of workplace communication and leadership with her insights and practical strategies.

Camilla's expertise spans a wide range of business areas, including Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Employee Engagement,Change Management, and Organisational Culture. This comprehensive approach allows her to address the multifaceted challenges faced by today's dynamic businesses. Her keynotes, workshops, and programmes are designed to propel growth and transform organisational dynamics.

As the founder of Bespoke Communications,Camilla’s approach blends scientific rigour with a personalised human touch.This approach has made her a sought-after speaker and consultant for companies looking to enhance their communication strategies and organisational culture.Through her work, Camilla continues to be a trailblazer in advocating for authentic communication and emotional intelligence in the workplace, creating more engaged, productive, and innovative organisational cultures.

“Active Listening: Your Secret Career Accelerator.”

“The Talent Magnet: How Psychological Safety Attractsand Retains Your A-Team”

“Be the 30%: The Leader’s Guide to CommunicatingChange”


Each of these titles can be adapted to a Keynote Speech,Workshop or Masterclass.


Programmes over 1 or 2 days

·       Powerful Presentations

·       Executive Presence

·       The Listening Leader

·       The Communication Code

“Active Listening: Your Secret Career Accelerator.”

“The Talent Magnet: How Psychological Safety Attractsand Retains Your A-Team”

“Be the 30%: The Leader’s Guide to CommunicatingChange”


Each of these titles can be adapted to a Keynote Speech,Workshop or Masterclass.


Programmes over ½, 1, 2 days or divided into regular shorter sessions.

·       Powerful Presentations

·       Executive Presence

·       The Listening Leader

·       The Communication Code

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Camilla Long
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