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Carol moved to France supposedly for one year … and over 30 years later, she’s still there! She is a cocktail of English humour and love of practical solutions mixed in with a dose of  French quality of life. She has run a training company since 2023, dispensing workshops (both online and on site) and inspiration conferences to a broad range of Corporate clients.  Her infectious energy and wicked sense of humour both stimulate and energize her clients … who very often ask her back for more!  She has no less than 3 TEDx talks under her belt, and is a respected coach for Managers who need to deliver THE speech of their career.

As a speaker she will talk to your teams about the way to avoid being a toxic manager and promote good will and motivation in the workplace ; why it is NEVER too late to change, and why people decide to love or loathe you when they see you for the first time!  She will share her love of optimism, with its benefits for ourselves and for our environment.

During COVID she learned to be a master of online facilitation, and will show you howto dynamise your online meetings…(and then you will ask her to come and do the same for your onsite meetings !). She will help your team building, and is the master of the art of the Pitch.  She can even teach geeks to pitch their subject in a way which everyone can understand!

And of course, as a foreigner in a European country which is not her own, she has  a LOT to say about effective intercultural communication.

All this in English … or French!

Your teams will thank you for hiring Carol as a Master Facilitator or a Conference Speaker: she is easy to understand and her audience takeaways are going to really bring about concrete change in your workplace.  You will have a genuine precious return on your investment.

How to make a good first impression

How to avoid being a toxic manager

Make your workplace a happy one

It is never too late to change!

Why you need to embrace optimism

Do you dare?

Effective Intercultural Communication

The Art of the Pitch (workshop)

The Art of the Pitch for Geeks …(workshop)

Why your meetings are boring and what to do about it

3 TEDx conferences European speech champion (Toastmasters) MBA at the University of Life
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Carol Bausor
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Carol Bausor
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