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Dynamic, inspiring, passionate and commercially savvy are all words that are used to describe Dr Paula Smith as a keynote speaker, master trainer, MC and business leadership coach.

She is the author of the books Speaking in the Shower,Powerful Presentation Principles, Sell Your Story and The Leadership Conversation and is recognised as a

leading authority in powerful presenting.

Some of Paula's past industry roles/projects and businesses include: Founder of the largest personal development school in Australia,State President of the

National Speakers Association, Franchisor, Professional Speaker, Executive/Leadership Coach/Consultant and Board/Advisory Member of several school and business


She is currently the CEO of the Global Institute of Training and Presenting, a training company committed to delivering leading-edge and innovative workforce

development solutions. Paula also runs the on-line Presentation Academy.

Paula was awarded the CSP (Certified SpeakingProfessional) designation by the National Speakers Association in 2009. Only a small number of professional

speakers are awarded the CSP designation globally and a Fellow from the Australia Institute of Management. Paula brings her rich life experience, presenting skill and

infectious personality to the platform or training room every time.

Paula developed the first Presentation Skills Diploma Qualification in Australia and the world-first Qualification in Neuropresenting ®,the leading-edge brain-friendly

presenting/training programme and is also a lead TEDx speaker coach. Paula is the founding researcher in the world of Presentation Intelligence ® and the REL8

Human Behaviour and Relationship Profiling System.

Paula values long-term business relationships and many of her clients have her returning year after year as a partner in meeting their organisational goals. Her 30+

years' rich experience along with tertiary qualifications in adult learning, education, a master's degree in leadership and a PhDin organisational leadership

ensures you are in good hands.

Although Paula specialises in all things Presenting,she also enjoys speaking about Leadership, Human Behaviour and Influential Communication. She continues to

works with some of Australia's largest companies and Government departments and is totally committed to behavioural change and long-term partnerships.

Present on PURPOSE – Signature 2-day master class

Present with IMPACT – 1 day master class

Neuropresenting ®

Storytelling for leaders

The leadership conversation

Neuroscience of leadership

Executive Presence

REL8 – Human Behaviour and Relationship master class


All programmes can be customized andcontextualized and re-designed to align with timeframes

Present on PURPOSE – Signature 2-day master class

Present with IMPACT – 1 day master class

Neuropresenting ®

Storytelling for leaders

The leadership conversation

Neuroscience of leadership

Executive Presence

REL8 – Human Behaviour and Relationship master class


All programmes can be customized andcontextualized and re-designed to align with timeframes

BA Training and Development, Masters Leadership (Storytelling), PhD Organisational Leadership (Presentation Intelligence) CSP (Certified Speaking Professional), FAIM (Fellow Australian Institute Management) Most Innovative Enterprise Award Founded Australia’s largest personal development school in the 1990’s First to Nationally Accredit Presentation Skills and Neuropresenting ® Regular contributor to podcasts and Foxtel’s The Couch TV programme Trusted advisor to Government departments, universities and some of the largest organisations in Australia
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