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Persuasion Science Expert:  

Helping companies become more profitable, Ian Rheeder speaks on the “persuasion sciences” -- Sales, Negotiations, Leadership, Marketing and Customer Experience (CX).

In 2020 the staff and students voted him “the best lecturer” at South Africa’s no.1 business school, the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS/University of Pretoria), where Ian has been part time faculty since 2007.

All his talks are customized from thousands of hours of consulting and mystery shop audits. Ian uses the latest neuroscience studies to bolster his marketing, sales and leadership talks.

Ian is a registered professional Chartered Marketer and has an MSc. in The Management Innovation (cum laude). His last big corporate position was Marketing & Sales Director of the global zipper giant, YKK.

He differentiates himself as a specialist in three disciplines: Sales, Marketing and Leadership. With abundant past career experience in both B2B and FMCG, Ian is a full time Marketing Consultant, Speaker and Author of 20 Marketing and Leadership programmes.

He started Markitects Consulting in 2005, where he draws most of his case studies or stories from. Ian grasps all aspects of sales, marketing, leadership and success, which enables him to understand a much broader range of audiences. He has hundreds of references and has trained and consulted to most industries. Having researched 40 international brands whilst at Markitects and Group Africa (now EXP Agency), he gained his broad FMCG & B2B business experience. Ian has 25-years senior marketing management, consulting and facilitation experience with major blue-chip companies.

All of this makes Ian one of the best-qualified speakers on the topic of "marketing, service, sales, leadership and success".

1.      Neuroscience of CustomerExperience  (CX)

2.     Neuroscience of Leadership

3.      Neuroscience of Sales &Negotiation Skills

4.     The Neuroscience of Persuasion(Body Language)

5.     Why Employee Experience (EX)Trumps Customer Experience (CX)

6.     7-Deadly Sins of Marketing (and the Solutions)

1. Best Lecturer at Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS/University of Pretoria) with an average score of 96.4% for the year (2020). 2. Consistently the top-3 speaker at any local or international conference 3. Consistently the top-speaker at sales and marketing conferences 4. Past President of Professional Speakers Association (PSASA, Johannesburg Chapter) 5. Holds the highest professional marketing qualification in Africa & Europe (Chartered Marketer since 2002-present) 6. Cum laude MSc (MOTI) degree (2015). The Neuroscience of Leadership. 7. Proposal accepted to commence PhD at Da Vinci Institute: Topic “The Neuroscience of Workspace Design” (i.e. how to persuade using a combination of sales, marketing, leadership & architectural science.)
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