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Mark has worked with many specialists in the fields of emotional literacy, Neuroscience, futurists and resilience.

He has over the years created programs for high-end corporates for staff contingencies in the ten's of thousands. His apps are in the palm of these clients for them to access him live and digital.

Mark is a highly acclaimed pro active mental wellness strategist, author, and keynote speaker whose mission is to help organisations become mentally fit, create safe spaces, manage focus, develop EQ, inspire the'how' of innovation and divergent thinking. During the pandemic Mark was the go-to in mental health crisis management and resilience support. he has since become a trusted and constant town hall keynote regular. His style is engaging and humorous with a sprinkling of practical thought and reflection exercises.

This takes motivation to the next level as he leaves you with a game plan for your life and a plan for a beneficial change.

Mark has created a legacy of mindful empires within massive financial and mining organizations. He has the ability to bring human back into corporate and grow internal ambassadors within the organization to create positive, pro active mental wellness.

These mindful ambassadors are guided by Mark daily to create health strategies to assist HR managers and wellness leaders.

Mark’s father died from suicide when he was 21 years old and his anxiety went through the roof with incessant panic attacks. His mother tried to encourage him to take medication for his anxiety and depression of which he resisted as it didn't help his father.
He blesses the day when he met a motivational therapist who taught him breath work and mindfulness of which he practiced daily. Never before had he known that he could take control of his own mental well-being.

Mark has in the course of his life been for long periods of therapy and tried the chemical route to understand it better but nothing ever could match the benefits of his mindfulness practice.

'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times' (Charles Dickens), this quote really resonated with Mark during the pandemic. The best of times for pro active mental wellness and the growth of his companies... the worst of times as he was just hanging on, it was tough to hold space for so many who were going through so much at that time. Mark recall being in tears after every session, blowing his nose and then carrying on. It was just that important and he felt it was saving lives.

Looking back in hindsight it was tough but he was so happy to be a part of growing the revolution of pro-active mental wellness in the world.

-   Bounce out of Burnout

-   You’re Not Alone

-   It’s ok to not be OK

-   Future Fit in the World of Ai

-   Pro-Active Mental Wellness

-   Neuro charge your Brain

-   Becoming Mentally Fit

-   The Power of Play

-   Building a resilient Brain

-   Courageous Conversations

-   Feed Your Focus

-   Self Compassion & Mindfulness

-   Home… Hybrid… Happy? (Loneliness in 21st century)

-   Men-Tal Health (Men’s mental health)

-   Mental Health in October

-   Creating Safe Spaces (Psychological Safety)

-   Science of Motivation

-   Stress Proof  Yourself

-   Thinking Space (thinking better)

-   Neuroscience of Innovation &Creativity

-   Being Value-Able (The strength of  Values)

-   Your Brain @ Work

-   Time Management is Dead (Distraction starving techniques)

-   High Fives (Appreciation &Gratitude)

-   Celebrating Your Wins

-   Breath & the Nervous System

- Curious Cat (Bias, Diversity, Curiosity &Inclusion)

List any awards or notable achievements here… Accredited by the Health Professions Council SA SETA Educator accreditation Responsible for the introduction and spread of mindfulness in RMB Bank, First Rand, ABSA and DHL
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