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Marlo Clarke, an engaging Personal Development Speaker from Barbados, empowers audiences to pursue their goals with insightful concepts on incremental improvement, navigating uncertainty, and finding fulfillment along the way.

As a former international rugby player, Strategic Director in the USA and UK, and two-time TEDx Speaker, Marlo’s extraordinary journey has taken him to present to a diverse range of audiences, from Fortune 500 companies in the USA to rural schools in South Africa.

Throughout his travels, Marlo has interviewed people from all walks of life, including CEOs, politicians, students, and young professionals, listening to their stories and learning about their struggles and triumphs.

This global journey has unearthed a profound truth:many people pursue success without a clear personal definition of what it is to them.

As a result of these eye-opening encounters, Marlo distilled these insights into groundbreaking concepts, including:

1) The Cycle of Success through Feedback,

2) The Spectrum of Joy, and

3) The Privileges of Success and How to Share Them.

His teachings empower audiences to define their purpose in the present moment, navigate uncertainty, incrementally improve,find genuine fulfillment on their journey, and explore options for thriving after reaching their lofty goals.

With Marlo’s guidance, life transforms into a journey of striving, achieving, and sharing—a truly fulfilling and purposeful existence. Marlo’s captivating storytelling and well-balanced humour takes audiences on a journey that offers a clear and confident way forward.

What Now? What Next?

It happens to all of us. We make a decision to act, put all of our passion and effort behind that action, and we fail. This failure is not final; it is simply feedback. How we react to this feedback can determine our path for incremental improvement and future success. 

Marlo explores the cycle of success through intentional action, while succinctly providing tools anyone can use. Learn to navigate uncertainty, evaluate negative feedback, and embrace the power of vulnerability. Working together, we will solve two equations to give more clarity to each individual’s purpose:

Passion +Intention = Purpose

Time + Energy+Money = Purpose

Key Takeaways:

  1. Defining Passion, Intention, and Purpose: Explores unique ways to define and align these elements in one's life.
  2. Thrive Through Uncertainty: Offers insights on navigating uncertainty for growth.
  3. Redefining Failure: Encourages viewing failure simply as negative feedback, rather than a source of guilt or shame.
  4. Power of Vulnerability: Power of Vulnerability: Highlights the significance of vulnerability at every stage in the cycle of success.


How was your day, today? - A Simple Success Checklist

We all want to accomplish something. Whether it’s advancing in our careers, building better relationships, or excelling in sports and hobbies. All are worthy goals, but the route we take in pursuing these goals can maximize or minimize our success. 

Through his work around the world in human services, Marlo has developed his five principles for self-defined success. These principles break down how to excel in any pursuit at the most basic level and can help members of any audience tackle their goals with renewed energy.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Questions for Daily Evaluation: Reflective questions guide individuals on their goal journey.
  2. Five Principles for Self-Defined Success: Marlo introduces five foundational principles for success.
  3. Finding Clarity Amidst Noise: Emphasizes the importance of finding clarity amidst life's complexities.
  4. Enjoying the Journey: Encourages a positive mindset by embracing the twists of the goal journey.


It All Comes Full Circle

In reality,most of us have had tremendous amounts of success in our lives. Whether it was achieving educational milestones, securing career advancement, or excelling at a new hobby. However, soon after we achieve our lofty goal, we find ourselves thinking that something is missing. The never-ending cycle of striving and achieving begins once again.

After 100s of interviews across three continents, Marlo introduces his unique concept: the‘Spectrum of Joy.’ This framework guides us to discover enduring contentment alongside our accomplishments, culminating in a pivotal step that ties our cycle of striving and achieving.

Key Takeaways:

  1. The Spectrum of Joy: Discusses the importance of balancing bliss, happiness, and contentment.
  2. Life Satisfaction Criteria: Encourages creating criteria that define when "Life is Good" along the path to bigger goals.
  3. Privileges of Success: Explores cultivating and sharing the privileges of success.
  4. Completing the Cycle of Striving and Achieving: Discusses tying the cycle of striving, achieving, and sharing for fulfillment.


An Islander and His Suitcase – Cross-Cultural Lessons from Living Three Continents

As an islander from Barbados, I've lived in diverse locations across three continents: Iowa,USA; Hertfordshire, England; and Limpopo, South Africa. Each experience has been a journey of adaptation and growth, offering invaluable lessons in cross-cultural competence. 

I will share personal stories of navigating different cultures, shedding light on the challenges and rewards along the way. We will delve into the significance of cultural sensitivity, and effective communication strategies, as key elements in creating meaningful cross-cultural relationships. 

Together, we will uncover how my cultural identity has played a pivotal role in shaping these experiences, offering valuable insights into maintaining a sense of self while navigating the diverse landscapes of the world.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Communication Strategies: Explores communication strategies in diverse cultures.
  2. Personal Stories as Tools: Discusses leveraging personal stories as learning tools.
  3. Cultural Competency: Gained from living on three continents and an island, offering insights into navigating diverse cultural environments.
  4. Navigate Cultural Differences: Provides guidance on overcoming seemingly insurmountable cultural differences.

Former international rugby player for Barbados TEDx Speaker – University of Chester – February 2020 TEDx Speaker – University of York – March 2020
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