
MilesKubheka, the entrepreneur, refreshingkeynote speaker and author, is the poster child for the audacity of hope.Having once been employed by a leading multinational, he went out on a limb andingeniously created a restaurant with the same name and branding as a fictionalrestaurant portrayed in a famous 'beeg beegdreamer' TV ad campaign. In doing so, he catapulted into media stardom, andsoon translated his innovative thinking into entrepreneurial success.
Whenoccupying centre stage at a business symposium and delivering a keynote, Mileshas a clear message of hope for multinationals and small businesses alike. Ifyou hire the right people with an entrepreneurial mind-set, you can build newbusiness models within your company, rather than have disgruntled employeesleave and start a business in competition to your own.
Hisaccomplishments include starting a chain of pharmacies and co-owning an ITsoftware solutions company. His never-say-die message about going back outthere every day, even when times are tough (he almost experienced bankruptcy),is something all South Africans in the business world can relate to. Driven bytenacity, optimism and self-belief, Miles is uniquely capable of inspiringaudiences to dream big but execute with practicality.