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Ndumiso Hadebe is an award-winning Economist and is the Chief Executive Officer at KH Research Equity Partners, a research driven advisory and private equity firm. He has extensive experience in the areas of macroeconomic research and strategy development, corporate governance, trade and investment promotion, facilitation, and aftercare.

Ndumisohas a global exposure as he advises multinational companies listed on the Nasdaq, New York Stock Exchange, Johannesburg Stock Exchange and the public sector in South Africa. He influences over R 2bn in capital through board and advisory appointments.

He serves on the board of The DaVinci Business School and is the Chairman of the Finance, Audit, Infrastructure and Risk (FAIR) committee. He also serves on the board of the TT100 Business Innovation Awards Programme and as an advisor to the EXCO of the Gauteng Provincial Government responsible for oversight of the

Ndumiso has been acknowledged recognised by two administrations in the Presidency in the Republic of South Africa and is an author of a book titled “Reflections on SA”, the foreword of the book is written by the Presidency. Ndumiso holds an MBA from GIBS and has also completed the Alternative Investments programme from Harvard Business School.  

Award Winning Economist
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