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Neal Peterson raced solo around the world. He achieved this remarkable feat by participating in the 1998-1999 Around Alone, which is a single-handed yacht race around the globe.  Neal’s accomplishment was not only significant for its athletic and navigational challenges, but more remarkable he did it in a boat he designed and built himself in Mossel Bay, SA–the smallest and least-funded boat in the fleet.  Neal’s No Barriers philosophy allowed him to compete in a sport traditionally known in South Africa as a white man’s sport and dominated by sailors from other nations.

Facing extreme uncertainty, Neal Petersen makes a compelling case that the principles of the unforgiving sea apply to everyday success in business and in life. Neal takes audiences on a journey around the world and shows how determination coupled with imagination are the essentials to success.  

Neal uses stunning images, including lightning, thunder and fog (optional), to bring his story to life. His presentations are riveting and provide the direct correlation between determination, dedication and perseverance to achieve the impossible.  

Neal’s life story of turning every disadvantage into an advantage, balancing risk against reward, will educate,entertain and inspire your audience to reach not only for success – but more importantly, significance!

Having delivered multiple keynotes globally for IBM (over a dozen), Intel (dozen) Microsoft, MasterCard, YPO, Mass Mutual, (32)Government Technology Summits, association and so many more, speaks volumes of Neal’s impact on global leaders and audiences.

Neal uses his powerful story of overcoming insurmountable barriers to achieve his dream of racing SOLO around the world, 27,000 miles, 9 months at sea, around Cape Horn and its notorious storms.  Not to prove others wrong, but to prove he was right to dream. There are No Barriers ~ Only Solutions!

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