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Nicky Verd is a Digital Futurist, Kickass Author, Consultant, International Keynote Speaker and the acclaimed author of the transformative book "Disrupt Yourself Or Be Disrupted."

Recognized as one of the Top 50 Global Thought Leaders on Digital Disruption and the Future of Work by Thinkers 360, Nicky is a driving force in the world of technology, digital transformation and innovation.With an electrifying presence on stage, Nicky inspires audiences globally,exploring the critical intersections of digital disruption, emerging trends,and the future of work. She is passionate about bridging the gap between people and technology,empowering individuals and organizations to thrive in an AI-driven economy.

Nicky’s remarkable journey from being laid off to becoming Africa’s most sought-after technology speaker is a testament to her resilience and visionary mindset. She is dedicated to helping others reinvent themselves and embrace the digital revolution.As a seasoned keynote speaker, conference moderator and corporate MC, Nicky’s expertise covers technology, digital transformation, innovation, disruption,the future of work, entrepreneurship and much more. Her mission is to empower C-suite executives, organizations, and governments in Africa to adopt a human-centric digital transformation, unlocking the full potential of their teams in an AI-powered world. Nicky Verd is not just a speaker; she is a catalyst for change, urging everyone to disrupt themselves before someone else does it for them. Her compelling message: embrace technology, be part of the revolution, and navigate the future with confidence.

Recognized by Thinkers360 as one of the Top 50 Global Thought Leaders on Digital Disruption and the Future of Work.
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