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Nontuthuko Mhlungu, a versatile professional and seasoned Public Speaker with a background in law, transitioned strategically to PR, Communications, and Corporate Branding within the Financial Services Sector. She is also an expert in Brand Marketing, Culture and Diversity. With over a decade of experience as a speaker, she possesses a diverse skill set and a proven track record of success. Nontuthuko excels as a Conference Host, Master of Ceremonies, and Keynote Speaker, bringing a professional and engaging style to corporate events and industry seminars, showcasing her ability to contribute meaningfully in diverse professional settings.

-         Elevate Your Personal Brand: The Key to UnlockingProfessional Success

-         Embracing Culture, Diversity, and Inclusion: Unlocking the Power of a Multicultural Workforce for Innovation and Growth

-         All MC, panel moderation work

- Admission as an attorney of the high court - 2014 - Resident Host of InsureTalk (Biggest virtual conference in the short-term insurance industry – 2021 – 2022 - Presenter of The Insurance Apprentice - Reality TV Show – 2022 – present - Conference Host at the Africa Insurance Forum, Kigali, Rwanda – 2024 - Featured on numerous media platforms as a Personal Branding expert- SABC News, PowerFM, SAFM, GabzFM (Gabarone, Botswana), FA News Magazine – 2024 - MC at Insurance Institute of Gauteng Inaugural Dinner - 2022
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Nontuthuko Mhlungu
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