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Ron Hyams

·       As a young entrepreneur Ron’s 1st venture was to put on exhibitions of lasers and holograms at the London Science Museum. The show attracted 250,000 visitors, was featured on UK’s Channel 4 News, and was shortlisted by the Guinness Book of Records.

·       Ron learned to coach by joining London’s top coaching company, the Alexander Partnership, described by the Economist Intelligence Unit as ‘market leaders in coaching’

·       His coaching projects include the groundbreaking (literally) team that built Euro tunnel, coaching the MDs of Pepsi Co and Ernst & Young, coaching a team at Hatch Engineering to increase their profits by R100m, and running leadership programs for Cliff Dekker Hofmeyr (top 5 SA law firm),  for Shell – the program won the Brandon Hall award for most innovative leadership program- and for Unilever.

·       Ron is a University of Stellenbosch USB-Ed lecturer and has Masters degrees from Cambridge University and Ashridge Business School.

·       He has delivered talks for the Distinguished Speaker program at UCT – Graduate School of Business, for the Institute of Directors, and for the SAODN (South African Organisational Development Network)

·       His work has been published in Business Day, The Director, and The Sunday Times


Sean Stegmann

·       Sean has a background in Electrical Engineering which shaped his logical thinking and problem-solving skills

·       He found his passion in people management and was identified as CEO potential in MTN.

·       He left MTN to become the Managing director of iTouch, a South African company listed on the London Stock Exchange.

·       7 years later he became the CEO of Cash Crusaders Franchising where he grew the company from R500 million group turnover per annum to R2,5 billion annual turnover. He grew the store footprint from 100 stores to 240 stores over a 15-year period and increased retention from about 18 months to over 3 years.

He teamed up with Ron at Connected leadership to impart his learning and success to other leaders and companies

The Fearless Workplace

Rethinking Performance Management

Customized In-House Programs

The Fearless Workplace

Rethinking Performance Management

Customized In-House Programs

- Distinguished Speaker Program UCT – Graduate School of Business - Shortlisted for the Guinness Book of Records for launching Light Dimensions, attended by 250,000 people - one of London’s largest exhibitions - Grew a franchised business to 3 times the size of their closest competitor.
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Ron Hyams and Sean Stegmann
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