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Sam Isaacson is a seasoned executive coach and business adviser whose expertise lies at the intersection of organisational leadership, coaching and technology. With a background in internal audit and consultancy, he has worked within three of the world's biggest professional services firms, led the global consulting work for an award-winning unicorn tech startup and founded his own AI platform.

Sam’s extensive experience has shaped him into a thought leader in his field, renowned for his insights on leveraging coaching and technology to drive organisational success. His work has spanned various disciplines,including leadership and governance, risk and compliance, with a particular focus on digital and technology transformations.

One of Sam’s notable achievements was initiating Grant Thornton’s award-winning coaching services practice, which pioneered innovative approaches to supporting organisational growth through coaching. Additionally,he chaired the UK Government trailblazer group responsible for developing England’s biggest coaching qualification, the Coaching Professional apprenticeship, advancing the coaching profession nationally.

Beyond his practical contributions, Sam has shaped the practitioner and academic literature on coaching, having worked alongside some of the biggest names in the profession, and having contributed several books in his own right. He is a sought-after speaker, regularly invited to conferences and podcasts to share his expertise on topics such as the effective use of coaching within organisations and the future of coaching and leadership, through the lens of technology.

Sam’s influence extends beyond his professional endeavors, having served as a member of several prestigious advisory boards.These include two of the biggest global coaching professional bodies, where he has contributed to shaping industry standards and best practices. Additionally,he has lent his expertise to the biggest UK broadsheet newspaper and a music therapy company, demonstrating the breadth and versatility of his knowledge and insights.

With a unique blend of practical experience, thought leadership and a commitment to advancing the coaching profession, Sam Isaacson has established himself as a respected authority in his field. His contributions have not only impacted organisations and individuals but have also shaped the landscape of coaching and its integration with technology,paving the way for innovative approaches to leadership development and organisational growth.

All of these can be tailored to context and reworked into keynotes, full-day events and interactive workshops:

Next Generation Leadership – interactive workshop for leaders on leader as change maker, human and ancestor

Superhuman Coaching – experiential workshop for coaches to develop a technology toolkit

How to Thrive as a (Coach/ HR Leader / L&D Professional) in a Digital World – informative presentation on the technology landscape, value life cycle, benefits, risks and ethical dilemmas

A practical guide to generative AI – interactive workshop for HR professionals introducing the concepts of generative AI and providing space for experimentation

Internal coaching as a strategic catalyst – interactive workshop for internal coaches and coaching leaders to understand the strategic objectives for internal coaching,complexities due to the emotional and systemic nature of internal coaching, and how to measure the impact of coaching

EMCC Global Award for Organisations 2020 Chair of the Coaching Professional apprenticeship trailblazer group 2018-2024 evoach CoachingTech Pioneer 2023
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