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Sandeep Nath is an inspiring author, professional speaker, and acclaimed coach who believes that our inner power manifests our outer reality. He builds business advantage for organizations by aligning People, Purpose, and Processes, thereby eliminating stress and increasing health, happiness, and harmony. He has delivered talks and workshops in 46 cities across 4 continents in 3 languages to people of over 35 nationalities. Aquondam entrepreneur with an IIT-IIM background, he is currently spearheading the RENEWALism movement to redesign modern businesses and life using time-tested ancient oriental wisdom.

Sandeep isn't your typical business Speaker. With him,you will drop your stuffy suits and jargon-filled presentations…and embrace a captivating blend of corporate success, spiritual exploration, and a burning desire to empower individuals and organizations.

His story begins with a thriving brand consulting company he built from the ground up. Yet, by 2005, a disquiet settled in. The very corporations he advised seemed to exacerbate problems rather than solve them. This existential crisis propelled Sandeep on a life-altering quest for purpose and meaning.

The answer, he discovered, wasn't found in boardrooms but in the serenity of the Himalayas. There, surrounded by Buddhist monks andTibetan lamas, Sandeep unraveled the power of energy, its profound influence on our lives, and its connection to health, purpose, and productivity.

This newfound knowledge ignited a transformation. Sandeep, the entrepreneur, shed his corporate skin and emerged as a multifaceted guide. He became a recognized Reiki master, a Business Qigong guide,and a coach specializing in mindfulness, belief clearing, and mental health. Heeven penned two celebrated must-reads, "Arrive At Success" and"RENEWAL," sharing his insights with the world.

Sandeep's core message is refreshingly simple: we all possess immense inner power, obscured by years of social and educational conditioning. This conditioning, he argues, limits our potential and hinders our ability to thrive. Sandeep's superpower lies in dismantling these limitations.

He meticulously crafts programs that bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and modern challenges. He empowers individuals to break free from self-limiting habits and cultivate empowering perceptions. This shift in perspective, he believes, is the spark that ignites personal and professional renewal.

Sandeep's impact extends far beyond corporate walls.Between 2011 and 2016, he championed the cause of rural entrepreneurs and women in India. He traversed over 500 villages, establishing innovative micro-financing models and facilitating access to solar power and cloud-based banking facilities.

Today, Sandeep is a sought-after speaker, delivering talks and workshops across the globe. He seamlessly blends Eastern philosophies with Western business practices, making complex concepts relatable and actionable. Since 2024, his focus has narrowed to RENEWALism, a movement hespear heads.

RENEWALism advocates for a paradigm shift in how we approach business and life. It is about fostering a culture of well-being,aligning purpose with processes, and empowering people through the transformative power of sustainable habits.

Sandeep is a bridge between the corporate world and the wisdom of the East, a beacon of hope for those seeking to break free from limitations and unlock their true potential. In a world grappling with stress,disharmony, and a disconnect from purpose, Sandeep offers a compelling path towards a renewed and empowered future.

• Board Member of Virtual Speakers Association International; served on the boards of the Global Youth Mental Health Awareness (GYMHA) Inc, Australia, and PSA India • “Outstanding Leadership” Award by GYMHA, Australia • “Pride of India” Award for Mindfulness by Mahabodhi Foundation, India • “Purposeful Project” Recognition by Entrepreneur X-Factor, New Zealand • “Super Speaker” Finalist Award by Success Gyan, India • “Creator Partner” Award by YouTube
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