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Shaun Flores is an acclaimed speaker, upcoming author, and catalyst for change, renowned for inspiring countless individuals worldwide through the powerful narrative of transforming personal pain into purpose. Living with OCD & ADHD, Shaun navigates mental illness into a continuing mental wellness. Having confronted a life-altering moment at the tender age of six years old when his father died on Christmas Day, alongside a life-changing year in 2022 where his mental breakdown changed his life. Undiagnosed illness left Shaun, suicidal, hopeless, and depressed when a moment hit him “I am going to change the world” Since then his mission has remained the same. Leave the world in a better place than you found it. Shaun gained profound insights into the mounting mental health challenges faced by millennials, igniting a fierce determination to address this critical issue. Shaun's journey renders her a trusted advocate for diversity, inclusion, mental health, neurodiversity and overall well-being. Shaun's remarkable story has graced illustrious stages across the globe, from 3TEDx Talks, in schools, universities colleges and corporate clients. From a modelling and influencing background, he has written and spoken openly about, disordered eating and addiction, the misconceptions of OCD, and how neurodiversity adds to the new upcoming world. Shaun is dedicated to bridging the generational mental health gap between leaders and millennials/Gen-Z and has also dedicated himself to providing a secure haven and mentorship to hundreds of young individuals hailing from diverse and economically disadvantaged backgrounds, all driven by his unwavering commitment to leaving the world in a better place than he found it. Furthermore, Shaun serves as a valued advocate for many OCD charities helping to spread awareness on one of the world's most misunderstood mental illnesses. He is a regular contributor and social commentator for many media outlets. Audiences have consistently described Shaun's talks as mesmerizing, impactful, and life-altering. In the words of Carl Jung “No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.” But in the case of Shaun Flores, you will always remember the profound emotions he evokes and the solutions he proposes. Shaun leaves an indelible mark, leaving you profoundly inspired and

The Straitjacket of Masculinity OCD took me to the brink of suicide, where I contemplated the various ways to take my life. A year after my OCD diagnosis in April, my stepdad ended up in a home as he had vascular dementia, and it had rapidly declined. My aunty who helped raise me after my dad died on Christmas day when I was six years old, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. After this, I tore my ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament), MCL (Medium Cruciate Ligament), and meniscus and fractured my leg. I then ended up in the hospital with severe pneumonia. After this I found out my cousin was murdered, his body was tied up and he was found with gunshots that killed him. Then whilst in therapy, I found out my half-brother whom I never met and only communicated with a few times died of cancer on 25th August. Then, my aunt, my mother's sister also died. There was so much pressure on my back and the responsibility and weight of being a man weighed too heavily on me. The one thing that was supposed to be my coat of shining armour my masculinity, was instead the straitjacket I wore. Being a man at times brings about unique struggles, but writing suicide notes is ready to say goodbye to everyone. I stopped myself, went to sleep, and woke up crying, scared of where my mind could take me. Hopelessness became hope and my voicelessness became the voice I needed. I realised just how many people reached out to me that change was needed Attendee Results: Understanding the unique struggles that men face What we can do to challenge toxic masculinity The difference between hegemonic masculinity vs toxic masculinity The effects suicide has on society and those around them What in society can we do to encourage more men to speak up about their mental health How we can best support men to speak up

Unintended Consequences: How Pornography Becomes an Illegitimate Sexual Education for Many Young Boys In today's digital age, the pervasive availability of explicit content on the internet has given rise to an unexpected and concerning phenomenon: pornography as a form of sexual education for young boys. In today's digital age, the pervasive availability of explicit content on the internet has given rise to an unexpected and concerning phenomenon: pornography as a form of sexual education for young boys. Shaun has written about his challenges with porn addiction. I was 11 when my porn addiction started. At around 11 I was first introduced to porn. I couldn't put it into words the feeling, but I knew I was enthralled by the moving of the bodies and the joy they seemed to be experiencing. I hadn’t even turned 12, but porn had already sunk its claws into me. It would be years later before I even realised that I was addicted to it. I began watching adult material around this time after a school friend of mine introduced me to it. I don’t even remember the first video, but I knew I liked it – and wanted more. From that moment on, it quickly became an integral part of my life. It was the first thing I watched in the morning, and the last thing at night – it became just as normal to me as brushing my teeth. Throughout my teens and early adult years, I used it to the point where I was absolutely exhausted some days. I couldn’t go to the gym or concentrate on work. Sometimes, if I wasn’t doing anything during the day, I would resort to porn out of boredom. Unfortunately, discussions about the birds and bees were absent at home because – in my experience – Caribbean culture is conservative, and does not involve such taboo conversations. Sex education at school was pretty much non-existent, too. The more we deny porn and its impact on young men. Looking back now, I was unaware of the impact porn had on my life. It became a constant that I could rely on through everything, as well as a pacifier. It was almost comforting. But by staying away from it, I am starving the monster that crept into my life. We must encourage more conversations about porn. Attendee Results: Removing the taboos about sex and realising it is a part of life. What we can do to prevent more porn addicts. The difference between healthy porn use and non-healthy porn use. The effects of porn on the young male brain. How can we foster open and honest conversations about porn?

2023- TEDx Talk The revolution of the mind, the power of the upcoming psychedelic revolution 2022- Diversity and Inclusion Consultant at The Diversity Standards Collective 2022- TEDx Talk 2022 The Straitjacket of Masculinity 2022- Volunteer Advocate at Orchard Therapeutics 2022- Freelance Contributor at the Book of Man 2022- Life Coach at Mindful Talent 2022- Speaking Coach at TEDx SheffieldHallamUniversity 2021- Youth Ambassador for The ONE Campaign 2021- Mental Health Ambassador at Manual 2021- Freelance Educator at The Black Curriculum 2020- Podcaster at ‘Flower Hour’ 2019- Freelance Journalist at The Common Sense Network 2018- Trainee Journalist at News Associates 2018- TEDx Talk 2018 The Failures of Multiculturalism
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