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Using a traffic light analogy, over the past 30 years we have gone from GREEN(1994-2007) to AMBER (2008 – 2011) and since 2012 to RED, but it is my firm conviction that there are signs of our return to AMBER

I believe if citizens understand this we are much more able, and willing, to make a positive difference, as a community, going forward.


Our 2024 Presentation

Given the degree of pessimism that informs our narrative at present, both local and international, my focus is on what I believe to be an ‘evolving’ scenario in SA, underpinned by four legs:

  • The end of ‘majority’ rule, a future of coalition politics
  • The increasing collaboration between Big Business and Government and the current work of the 130 “Pledge’ CEO’s
  • The oversight and contributory role of Civil Society
  • The rising prosperity of the informal sector, contributing +/- 25% of GDP


Clearly, there are many challenges at present, but my presentation focusses on how I seethe future unfolding. I like to end by exposing a number of SA ‘myths’ that we hear every day, but that are simply not true.


SA – An evolving scenario

SA – Positive prospects for the Future

SA – 10 Myths exposed

• In 2007 I was awarded the “Public Service Entrepreneur of the Year Award” by the African Heritage Society. • In 2008 I was one of nine finalists for the Johnnie Walker Striding Man Award for exceptional social entrepreneurship. • In 2012 I was awarded the Distinguished Rhodes Alumni Award for my contribution to the geo-branding of South Africa. • In 2012 I appeared on TEDx Rhodes U with a 10 minute talk on “Good news is no news”.
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